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Our Mission

AnnakaTaika Mala Jewelry Mission


Taika is Finnish, meaning magic.

AnnakaTaika is my path, combining my passion for yoga, nature and artistic creating.


My signature Annakatja combined with the word taika tells about the uniqueness of my pieces and the empowering effect they can have. All of my mala beads as well as my paintings are unique and I hope trough my work to bring beauty, joy and a little bit of magic into this world.

My mission is to create beautiful tools for positive changes in our life. We need tools to find our innermost self and also to connect deeply with each other. I believe we are all one and I aim with my work to create bridges between each other, connecting all us beautiful souls!

AnnakaTaika wants to provide a tool for spiritual connection, concious living and for boldly expressing yourself as you are. AnnakaTaika mala beads are created for meditation, but also to be used as lifestyle jewelry to remind yourself of your intentions throughout the day. Either way you choose to use them, they carry a highly protective energy guiding you on your life journey.


AnnakaTaika gem malas from Finland


Let the mala beads choose you and make magic happen!

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