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Aroma Bracelet - Inhale Love

A lovely beaded bracelet on strong stretch cord.

Lava stone is a stone of inner strength and resilience. It is very grounding and connected to the fire element and will give boost to get trough tough times.

Smokey Quartz: grounding, calming and anti stress, protects from negative energies.

Amethyst: the stone of divine guidance and awareness, connects us to the source of highest love.

Rose Quartz: the ultimate love stone, brings kindness and compassion to our hearts.

This bracelet  can be used to diffuse essential oils. The porous surface of the lava stone absorbs the oil with ease and then releases it slowly throughout the day. Add a drop of your favorite essential oil directly on the lava stone and enjoy throughout the day. 

Crystals and essential oils enhance each other’s qualities and work perfectly together. The stones of this bracelet pair perfectly with grounding and balancing scents.

35,00 €

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